Monday, September 30, 2013

Van Gogh Sunflowers

Personal Writing Goals

After conferencing with students almost daily on their writing, they have their writing goals posted in their journals to check on.  I am looking for them to use those personal goals to improve their writing.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Terry Fox

Tomorrow we will participate in the Terry Fox Walk at Rothesay Elementary.  I believe it is important for students to understand who he was and why it is important that we continue his passion to help find a cure for cancer.  If students are able, they can bring a "toonie for Terry".
Today we watched a video about Terry as well as watching a video from a school that wrote a song in his memory about the Marathon of Hope.
I'm including the links so that your family can also watch it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Place Value

Students in grade two learn about the place value of numbers.  This means understanding that the number 53, for example, means 5 tens and 3 ones.  To begin this unit, students were given random groups of different items.  They needed to group them into tens, with any leftovers put to the side.  We then talked about how to figure out what number that is just by knowing how many tens and ones.

Ordinal Numbers

We are learning all about ordinal numbers.  Do you know what they are?  They are words that describe the order something is in.  For example, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.  For this activity, one student had to put items in line behind a divider.  They then had to describe to their partner using ordinal number language what their line looked like.  The partner needed to reproduce it then check to see if it was correct!  Fun!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bus Safety

We were lucky to have two of our bus drivers, Theresa and Robyn, talk to us about bus safety.  We learned all of the rules and why they are important.  We also went outside and practiced how to evacuate from the bus!